Wednesday, 22. 5. 2024

Sustainable fashion: The clothes make the man – the man makes the clothes

On Thursday, 23 May 2024, at 17:00, the information point Ljubljana on the Path to Carbon Neutrality in the Kresija building is organising the first admission-free event in the Ljubljana Circular Season, focusing on sustainable fashion.

Ladeja Godina Košir will talk with Lea Pisani, a renowned fashion expert, who, under the slogan »the more I know, the less I need«, will share her wealth of experience on how to shop for clothes, how to care for them appropriately and swap them, and how to stay stylish without sacrificing our planet.

Ljubljana circular season

The information point Ljubljana on the Path to Carbon Neutrality is launching a series of events under the common name of Ljubljana Circular Season. The series of talks with Ladeja Godina Košir and guests is designed to highlight different aspects of a circular and sustainable lifestyle, with an emphasis on building on existing sustainable activities that Ljubljana is already successfully implementing. The speakers will give concrete, practical and easy-to-implement ideas and advice that we as individuals can start using immediately.

The events will feature inspiring speakers who are knowledgeable about the green pulse of Ljubljana. In a relaxed conversation, they will present valuable concrete insights and tips on how to align your lifestyle and choices with the principles of the circular economy and sustainability with a positive attitude and start living them right away.