Monday, 10. 4. 2023

The Ljubljana Urban Region with the new Culture Development Strategy, the first regional strategy of its kind in Slovenia

The Council of the Ljubljana Urban Region unanimously approved the document Culture Development Strategy in the Ljubljana Urban Region 2023-2027, which represents an important building block for the development of culture in the region and gives it a broader meaning, as it also includes other important development areas and intersectoral connections such as sustainable mobility, tourism, economy, preservation of nature and natural heritage, etc.

 The document was created based on an interdisciplinary approach and intensive inter-municipal cooperation of LUR municipalities, and its foundations go back to the time of Ljubljana's candidacy for the European Capital of Culture 2025, within the framework of which it established strong ties in the field of culture with all 24 municipalities. It is a very concrete document that contains ten strategic projects of a regional character. These include all or at least most of the municipalities of the Ljubljana Urban Region and address different contents and target audiences.

These projects are: Regional Incubator – a program for the realization of young people's ideas in LUR, Unknown Plečnik – Plečnik's works in the area of LUR, Tour de Culture – biking to culture in LUR, Animus – discovering sacral heritage, Beavers wandering around LUR – festival of culture and art education, New spaces for creativity, New cinema spaces in LUR, Cultural initiative, Network of residential spaces in LUR and Bee Guardians. In addition, the municipalities included another 28 inter-municipal cooperation projects in the document. As emphasized by Lilijana Madjar, MSc, Director of the Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region, the agency under the auspices of which the preparation of this strategic document took place, joint efforts will now follow for the implementation of the document, that is, the realization of projects, whereby the search for suitable European and other sources for the execution of projects will be of immense importance