Wednesday, 16. 3. 2022

The signing of an agreement between the City of Ljubljana and the Ministry of Infrastructure

On 14 March, Mayor Zoran Janković and Minister of Infrastructure Jernej Vrtovec signed the Protocol on Further Implementation of Infrastructure Projects in the City of Ljubljana and the Agreement on Co-financing for Upgrading Facilities and Upgrading the Railway Infrastructure in Ljubljana Stations Railway Area.

The agreement defines the financing of eleven projects that will regulate vehicle and pedestrian underpasses under the railway. The closest to the implementation is the Latterman pedestrian underpass, where the Slovenian Railways are already working on the line, and certainly the most important is the vehicle underpass under the railway on Dunajska cesta, with which will begin the construction of a new passenger centre.

Vehicle underpasses are also planned on Šmartinska cesta, Bratislavska cesta, at the intersections of Potrčeva ulica with Pod ježami and Potrčeva ulica with Tovarniška ulica and Ob Zeleni jami, a pedestrian underpass from Ruska ulica, a pedestrian underpass from Ulica bratov Židan, a vehicle underpass between Parmova ulica and Tivolska cesta, a pedestrian underpass on Goriška ulica, a vehicle underpass from Magistrova ulica and a vehicle underpass on Gregorinova ulica.

The mayor stated that good cooperation between the state and the city is the basis for implementing key projects that benefit both the citizens of the country and residents of the capital.