Thursday, 22. 9. 2016

Vienna Days in Ljubljana

Between 19 and 21 September 2016, the Vienna days in Ljubljana were held, during which special tourist services were offered and confectioners prepared the biggest Sachertorte.

All three days free-of-charge tours on the trail of Vienna in Ljubljana were offered, a pop-up shop with interesting products from Vienna was opened and at the conclusion of the Vienna days, in the afternoon of 21 September, sacher confectioners gathered on Stritar Street and made the biggest original Sachertorte in the world with a diameter of 3.5 metres which they offered to the visitors.

The Vienna days started with the opening concert of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra and two distinguished soloists Lidia Baich and Christian Frohn performing works by Mahler, Mozart and Strauss. The next day, on 20 September, Vienna held a presentation within the scope of the Smart City strategy and Ljubljana presented the path it travelled towards the title European Green Capital 2016 and the Zero Waste strategy. On Wednesday, 21 September, the organisers prepared an economic forum with the title »Cities of the Future: Vienna and Ljubljana«.

Details on Vienna days can be found here.