Thursday, 19. 5. 2016

Violinist Nikola Pajanović, Absolute Winner at the Competition in the Czech Republic

The holder of a fellowship of the City of Ljubljana Nikola Pajanović has won the title Laureate 2016 at 58th Jaroslav Kocian 2016 competition in the Czech Republic.

Last year after his secondary education graduation from the Conservatory of Music and Ballet the 15-year-old Nikola Pajanović enrolled into the Academy of Music in Ljubljana under the mentorship of Prof Goran Košuta.
At the age of 16 he can boast with 12 highest awards at national and international level. He won the competition of young Slovenian musicians and ballet dancers TEMSIG and international competitions, namely, Ars nova in Trieste, Euritmia Povoletto in Italy, Petar Konjević in Belgrade, Leon Pfeifer, Dinu Lipatti in Bucharest and others.

On 6 May this year, the superiorly talented musician won in the category IV at the prestigious violin competition Jaroslav Kocian 2016 in the Czech Republic. The expert jury declared him the absolute winner and unanimously awarded him the title Laureate 2016.

Sincere congratulations to Nikola Pajanović for his outstanding achievement which, after 23 years since the victory of Anja Bukovec, brought back the reputation of Slovenia and Ljubljana to the international stage.

Department for Pre-School Learning and Education