Rainbow exhibition Queer elders and pioneers
On 17 May, we mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBiT), with which we strive to overcome prejudice against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and to draw attention to the violence and discrimination that LGBT+ people experience because of this prejudice.
The City of Ljubljana is an active participant in the Rainbow Cities Network, and we are marking this day by opening already the ninth consecutive international virtual photo exhibition of the Rainbow Cities Network. This year's exhibition titled »Queer Elders and Pioneers« features 34 Rainbow Cities with their photographs, and Ljubljana is represented by Rick Burger's photo Brane & Suzana.
You are invited to view the virtual photo exhibition.
Razstava Kvir starejsi in pionirji (pdf, 96 MB)